Our Services

We offer evidence-based treatments via telehealth to adolescents, young adults, and their families across South Carolina.

Evil Plan Productions, LLC is a direct pay private practice. We are happy to provide clients with the appropriate documentation to file for out-of-network insurance benefits.


What is DBT

Dialectical Behavior Therapy is an evidence-based treatment for the treatment of the problems of emotional dysregulation.

Who is DBT for

People who have problems regulating their emotions or behavior while really upset. These problems can include thoughts of suicide or self-harm, suicide or self-harm behaviors, impulsivity, difficulty with relationships, outbursts, and lack of sense of self.

What Happens in Treatment

1. Individual therapy. Participants meet once a week with their individual therapist to get help applying new skills to everyday life.

2. Skills Group. Adolescents and their parents participate in a class to learn and practice new skills to create a Life Worth Living. Young adults participate in an adults-only skills group of their own.

3. Phone Coaching. Participants can call their individual therapist for help using skills anytime during the week. This is not additional therapy time, but a chance to get coaching to apply in the moment.

4. Treatment team. Therapy for the therapist. Your individual therapist meets weekly with other DBT therapists to improve their own skills and resolve issues with delivering the treatment.

How Long Does It Take

DBT participants commit to either 24 (young adult) or 26 (adolescent) weeks of treatment at a time. Most DBT participants can expect to spend 12 months in treatment.


What is PE

Prolonged Exposure (PE) a theoretically-based and highly efficacious treatment for chronic PTSD and related depression, anxiety, and anger.

It has been empirically validated with more than 20 years of research supporting its use. PE is based on basic cognitive-behavioral principals.

What Happens in Treatment

PE is a flexible therapy that can be modified to fit the needs of individual clients. Clients meet weekly with their therapist to help clients process traumatic events and reduce trauma-induced psychological disturbances.

How Long Does It Take

The treatment produces clinically significant improvement in about 80% of patients with chronic PTSD. Clients can expect to be in treatment for up to 20 weeks.


What is MBCT

Mindfulness Based Cognitive Therapy (MBCT) is an evidence-based group therapy for preventing depressive relapse and treating mood disorders.

It can reduce depression, anxiety, and stress.

Mindfulness is a non-judgmental way of paying attention to the present moment. Cognitive Behavior Therapy is designed to bring awareness to the habitual negative thinking that leads to depressive and anxious spirals.

Combined, MBCT interrupts how we habitually react to situations, so we can choose to respond in more skillful ways.

Who is MBCT for

Individuals experiencing moderate anxiety or depression and people with a history of depression.

What Happens in Treatment

The group meets for two hours a week for eight weeks to learn skills and practices to manage depression, anxiety, and prevent relapse.

A commitment to attendance and home practice activities is required. Participants are strongly encouraged to attend a day-long silent retreat, and it is an optional part of the program.

How Long Does It Take

The group meets for eight (8) weeks. Each meeting is two (2) hours long. MBCT can be repeated as desired.


What is ExRP or ERP

Exposure and Response Prevention is a treatment for the symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder.

What Happens in Treatment

Clients meet weekly with their therapist to practice being with distressing thoughts and situations, as well as practice engaging with thoughts and situations during the week, over time reducing distress and increasing the client’s ability to go about their day.

How Long Does It Take

Treatment is estimated to last between eight (8) and fifteen (15) weeks.